The desire to discover my family roots has been a driving force in my life. My work has turned into the most surprising adventure... and a look into the lives of amazing ancestors who, through great trials and self sacrifice forged legacies that leave me in awe. I am humbled by the miracle of self preservation and the unwavering determination to see a “New World” where they could worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. I owe a debt of not only gratitude but integrity to these ancestors who crossed the seas to establish this great country and the freedoms I now enjoy. I was deeply moved when President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "Be true to who you are and the family name you bear." I believe the lives of those who came before me echo that same message.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sir John Forster...

Sir John Forster...
1st Governor of Bamburgh Castle
My 23rd Great Grandfather

Bamburgh Castle is said to be the most magnificent castle in England. Built in 6th Century and still beautiful today. Grandfather John Forster was knighted and given command of this fabulous property in A. D. 1191 after saving the life of King Richard while on Crusade with him. John was the commander of the King's horse guard. While following from a distance John saw that the King was surrounded at Arce by the Sarcens and in danger of being captured. When out of nowhere he lead his guard through the trees yelling, "To the Rescue... A Forester. A Forester."

I really want to visit this historical site... it remained in the families care and command for decades. I particularly love the ocean view.

Lineage: Sandra Christensen, Albert Christensen, Ellen McAllister, Richard McAllister, Emma Smith Walling, Warren Walling, Sarah Thorne, John Thorne, Martha Cornell, Sarah Doughty, Elizabeth Jackson, Elizabeth Seaman, Elizabeth Strickland, Jane Fenwick, Dorothy Forster, John Forster, Thomas Forster, Thomas Forster, Thomas Forster, Thomas Forster, William Forster, Richard Forster, Reginald Forster, Alfred Forster, Randolf Forster, Sir John Forster.

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